Saints and Their Stories--Ancient & Modern

Saints and Their Stories--Ancient & Modern
Every Tuesday, from 08/06/2024 to 09/24/2024, 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM

Pastor  Kay Lancaster will  lead an 8 week study about Saints and Their Stories--Ancient & Modern beginning Tuesday, Auigust 6 at 2:00 in Room 154. An evening Zoom session will be at 7:00 pm. Contact Pastor Kay for the zoom information. Both sessions will cover the identical information each week. There is no book for this study, but participants will be given suggestions for further study at the end of each session.  We will look at Saints Who Were Misfits, Servants, Prayers, Teachers, Preachers, Singers & Poets, Prisoners, and Martyrs. Participants will also have opportunities to share their stories during the discussion.

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